Server Difficulty Settings
Okay so this one's actually kind of a crazy idea that we're going to be doing!! Basically each new map that we’re adding we're going to be increasing the creature level by five for that new map.. so when Scorched Earth comes out the max level creature will be 155. But when Aberration comes out the max level for that will be 160 then the Island and Scorched Earth will be 155! So no matter what we're always going to be bringing the older maps up to at least the last old/new map that came out so that way they're still relevant!

Maximum Wild Creature Level:
155 - The Island
155 - Scorched Earth
160 - The Center

Server XP Settings
Base Official Servers Xp is 1.0 so we have changed this around to my standards! And no.. there is no custom XP graph… meaning you can get to level 100 within 1 hour no joke…. This also means that we are going with the story so whatever the max level on the island.. that's it… you'll have to wait until the next map is open to get higher level.

PassiveXPMultiplie= 0.5
(New) ExplorerNoteXPMultiplier=1.2
(New) BossKillXPMultiplier=4.0
(New) AlphaKillXPMultiplier=2.4
(New) WildKillXPMultiplier=1.0
(New) CaveKillXPMultiplier=1.4

Character Stats Settings
Oh boy I know a lot of you don't like not having movement speed… but I'm going to be completely honest I've been playing the game for months at this point and I don't see a real need for it so I kind of want you guys to try it out if and if you don't like it we'll go to a vote and we'll add it back.. And yes you can outrun a raptor as long as you're not wounded..

All player stats are default values except for weight.
Player Base Weight = 800
Player Harvesting Damage Multiplier = 2.0 <-this effects tools and hand harvesting
Custom Recipe Effectiveness multiplier = 2.0
Custom Recipe Skill Multiplier = 5.0
Disease Enable = yes!
AFK Timer =60min
Player Corpse Lifespan = 60min
Crosshairs = yes!
Unlimited Respecs= yes!

Breeding Settings
So for breeding timers we basically have tried to mainstream it as much as possible but also not get rid of the importance of breeding and raising your own armies. So for example a Giganotosaurus is the longest creature to breed and raise.. It takes 2 hours to incubate the egg, 6 hours to raise to full, any only takes 6 imprints to get 100%! The total time for a Dodo is 24min.

Creature Settings
So a lot of stuff on the back end has changed with creatures to the point where I think just leaving it alone is the best for us.That means you'll see that creatures will hit for less damage, but creatures will be smarter with the new AI Pathfinding system! Sooo…. It will make it Interesting hehe!

Taming Multiplier = 2.5 <- Will also be increase when server max wild level is increased
The amount of creatures spawn on each server will be between 25,000 to 35,000
Flyers Can Carry Creature in PVE = yes!
Flyers Rideable in Caves = no!
Stamina Recovers While Flying = yes!
Spike Walls Damage All Creatures = yes!
Can Feed Titanosaur =yes!
Creature Harvesting Damage Multiplier=** 7**
PerLevelStatsMultiplierDinoWild[7]=7 <-- Will Need to add this to ARK Breeder app